IENE conference - Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
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null IENE conference
Connectivity and Future Development of Transport and Energy Infrastructure
2. 5. 2024
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the University of Life Sciences and Infrastructure & Ecology Network Europe (IENE) is organizing the conference on biodiversity and transport and energy infrastructure Biodiversity in the Headlight of Future Transport.
The conference will be held in Prague September 9-13, 2024 and Early Bird registrations are now open until May 31.
The conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for exchanges of current research, knowledge and practical experience between scientists and practitioners, as well as between the sectors of biodiversity and transport.
The organizers are recently reviewing over 200 abstracts of oral presentations, lightning talks, interactive sessions and poster presentations. The detail programme of the conference will be ready within 2 months.
In order to give you some idea about the fabulous and unique programme at the conference this year, we can highlight the conference keynote speakers: Gaya Herrington, Vice President of Sustainability Research at Schneider Electric, and an advisor to the Club of Rome; Ladislav Miko, former high official at the DG Environment and head of the Czech and European delegations at the COP 15 CBD in 2022; Edgar van der Grift, a wellknown senior research scientist at Wageningen University and member of the Scientific and Expert Committee of IENE; Marguerite Trocmé from Swiss Federal Road Office, as a head of environmental technology; Vaclav Hlavac, Czech expert on the issues of habitat fragmentation, ecological connectivity, the protection of migration corridors and the protection of fauna in contact with transport and energy infrastructure.
You can find out more about the keynote speakers here.
Author of photographs: Vaclav Hlavac

Animal crossing over the highway, Vaclav Hlavac

Kestrel on high voltage lines, Vaclav Hlavac

Otter on the road, Vaclav Hlavac