Czech Republic as a Centre of Nature Conservation in Europe - Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
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null Czech Republic as a Centre of Nature Conservation in Europe
Czech Republic as a Centre of Nature Conservation in Europe
5. 10. 2022
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic with the Ministry of Environment organised a field trip to České středohoří Protected Landscape Area as part of this meeting.
The participants got familiar with management practices and restoration of the steppe grasslands on Raná hill, designated Natura 2000 site. Sheep and goat grazing together with shrub removal are the major activities needed for the habitat maintenance. Sheep herding demonstration using a shepherd dog was therefore part of the field trip programme as well as local products tasting at the end of the trip.
“I am glad we were able to present our management activities on this site with valuable nature. A project financed from the LIFE programme was implemented here during 2011-2017, and we received Natura 2000 Award in 2014 for achivements of this project in the field of communication. We have organised Steppe Festival in cooperation with Raná municipality every year since this project started till nowadays“Petr Kříž, director of the regional branch of the Nature Conservation Agency, stated.
Raná hill has been used by paragliders for dozens of years. Their activity helps to maintain the locality by trampling the vegetation and thus keeping it low which creates suitable conditions for many plant and animal species such as Small Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. Bohemica) or Hermit Butterfly (Chazara briseis). Quite large colony of the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophillus citellus) and Dung Beetle (Sysiphus schaefferi) bound to its droppings flourish here. Biodiversity of plant species is one of the highest in the country comparable to areas of Pálava PLA or White Carpathians PLA.
The Nature and Biodiversity Directors Meeting was held in Prague during September 28-30, 2022 as part of the Czech Presidency to the Council of the EU. Almost 100 representatives of the member states, European Commission – DG ENV, professional associations and NGOs attended the meeting that focused mainly on the new Nature Restortation Regulation.
Photo: Květa Černohlávková, Tomáš Růžička